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About Cam Oster


I started my writing journey with fanfiction and got hooked. For the last ten years, I've written original fiction under a few different pen name. 


The Nirvana Series has been brewing around in the back of my mind for a long time, and I've decided it's time has come. It's a venture that requires determined and consistent dedication, and I feel I'm in a place to do so. 


Previously, I've been exclusive to Amazon, and it's been a wonderful platform for authors like me, but I've also been searching for a more integrated and involved business model for my book, and this subscription model offers so many opportunities, both in terms of delivery of content, but also in offering a community around those who come to love the series and the characters.


I'm super excited about this new venture and I hope you will join me. 


Otherwise, about me. I live in New Zealand, but I'm Swedish originally. In the near future, I will be relocation back to South East Asia, where I grew up. I have a daughter, a partner and a dog. I also like to renovate furniture, which I am hoping to upgrade to renovating houses in the future. If you're interesting in seeing me wrangling dressers, check out my Instagram channel @briarroseinteriors. Else, seek me out on The Nirvana Series instagram page, @camosternirvanaseries.


If you need to get in touch, DM me, or email at

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